Financial Piggy ($FiPi) is utility token for FiPiAPP
Financial Piggy Token (FiPi Token) hyped by the FiPi APP. | Website | Telegram group | Telegram channel | Fipi Army | Twitter | FiPi Support | #FiPi #Presale #FiPiIndexes #IDO #FiPiAPP What is FiPi? FiPi APP is a tool that works exactly like ETF funds in capital markets (f.g. S&P 500). FiPi APP is an investment tool which task is to reflect the behavior of a selected fragment of the cryptocurrency market. FiPi APP is developed by the FiPi Ltd Investing via FiPi APP means: • A simple way to diversify investment portfolio - one instrument reflects the behavior of Indexes • Transparent investment strategy - the FiPi APP goal is to follow the changes in the FiPi Crypto Indexes What is FiPi Token? • It is utility token (holding some amount of It will reduce fees in the FiPi APP) • Each purchase via FiPi APP will mean a simultaneous purchase of FiPi Token for 1% of the purchase value. • 20% of FiPi Ltd profits will be spent on buying FiPi Token from the market and burn...