lbetrage'smission is to put power in the hands of the bettors, eliminating explotation.

Albetrage'smission is to put power in the hands of the bettors, eliminating explotation. About Albetrage Albetrage is an anonymous arbitrage betting platform for arbers. It comes as a necessity since before now many people have been losing their money to the bookies. Albetrage will change all that, it empowers the users to bet without the fear of losing., You don’t need to know sport or study teams before you can use Albetrage, someone that has never bet before can use Albetrage. It turns betting into a form of guaranteed investment. A user most win money anytime he/she bets correctly using Albetrage. Features Albetrage Albetrage is the first project in the world, both in crypto and non-crypto space that guarantees a return on betting. Nobody has done this before. We achieved this using a process know as Arbitrage. If you notice in crypto space right now, everyone is doing the same thing, defi platforms everywhere and that’s why is hard for investors to make money now., But we ar...